Waiting over…

So the waiting is over. I have to get chemo. I'll find out more (like when and for how long) on tuesday.

Oddly enough, when I got the phone call yesterday I actually felt better. The uncertainty was over. The results were crappy, but at least I now know.

Today though it has started to sink in and I feel a little sad. This is going to royally fuck up my summer…

Waiting again…

Well I still have to wait another week to find out what's going on with me…

On monday june 2, my family doctor left me a message saying that the results of the CT scan I had on may 28 showed an enlarged lymph node. So I had week of anxeity until my appointment with my oncologist on june 9. Monday comes and she tells me it is a cause for concern and she will present my case to the tumour board for a recommendation, the following wednesday. So I get another week plus of anxeity and waiting again…

It would be so much easier if they could just tell me I have to have surgery or chemo instead of all this waiting…
I have to admit the waiting is getting to me, I don't know how I'm going to make it to next wednesday.
To make matters worse I have two midterms in the next week. I find it hard to study usually, let alone with the worries I have on my mind recently…

It feels like weight pressing down on me…


I’m still waiting for my brake lights to get fixed, so I thought I would post here.

I like baseball. Even though it was freezing cold last weekend I sat in Safeco field with my Dad to watch the Mariners beat the White Sox 6-3. When I go to Vegas I always bet on baseball too.

For the last couple of years my Dad and I have gotten 6 game packs of tickets to Mariners games. This year we got tickets to the Red Sox game on Monday May 26, but my advanced accounting class is the same night. So no Red Sox for me this year… : (

Still, I will get to see the:
Detroit Tigers, June 1
Washington Nationals, June 15
New York Yankees, September 7
Oakland Athletics, September 27

This weekend I am driving to Edmonton with my Dad and my nephew Joel. I’m not exactly looking forward to it.
Still, I guess I will get to see the West Edmonton Mall, which I’ve never been to before.

Rotating Tires…

So I'm overdue for an update here.

I'm waiting in Langley for my tires to be rotated. It is taking 2 hours because the Costco tire centre is super busy. I should have gotten up earlier this morning.

Now I'm at Fatburger spending $10.78 on lunch, even though I really need to cut back on my spending. The last couple of weeks I have been spending way way too much money. Partly because Vegas is expensive, partly because I have very little self control when it comes to buying stuff.

Vegas was good. I stayed at the Tropicana (which actually declared bankruptcy today), spent a few days sitting in the summer by the pool. Drank like a fish some nights. Attended a Vegas wedding. Ate a lot. Spent more money than I should have.

After I got home from Vegas I spent an awesome Saturday going to Free Comic Book Day at 2 comic book stores, went to Science World, Granville Island, and then saw Iron Man.

Ah, my burger is here, gotta go…